Wawbus is a Python library for analyzing bus data from Warsaw Public Transport

Jupyter notebooks with analysis

Part 1 covers analyzing bus speed and part 2 covers analyzing bus delays.


When running notebooks via Google Colab, data collection is not possible. This is because blocks requests from data center IPs.


  • Download whl file from releases

  • Install it using pip:

pip install wawbus-*-py3-none-any.whl

Usage in code

from wawbus import WawBus

wb = WawBus(apikey='your_api')
## OR
wb = WawBus(dataset='nameofdataset')


wb.dataset # pandas DataFrame with bus positions

wb.calculate_speed() # retuns a new DataFrame with speed for each entry

Datasets are stored here.

Usage in command line

python3 -m wawbus --help

usage: python3 -m wawbus [-h] [--apikey APIKEY] [--type {positions,timetable}] [--count COUNT] [--retry RETRY] [--sleep SLEEP] [--workers WORKERS] [--output OUTPUT]
Collect bus positions from

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --apikey APIKEY API key. If set to 'env', will use WAWBUS_APIKEY.environment variable
  --type {positions,timetable,stops}
                        What to collect
  --count COUNT         number of collections
  --retry RETRY         number of retries
  --sleep SLEEP         sleep between collections
  --workers WORKERS     number of workers when collecting timetables
  --output OUTPUT       output file